Anna Tobias

HATS OFF TO THE CHEF... We thought it was about time we banged a pot for the other heroes in our story, and that's the incredible chefs that buy our produce...

And if you were to epitomise the kind of chef-cook-person that Shrub works with, it's Anna Tobias.

Anna is a true Londoner, growing up here for most of her life. As is true of any Londoner worth their salt, her family lineage isn't plain old Blighty. Half Serbian, a quarter German... She spent her pre-teens in Hong Kong and the US.

The cooking at Café Deco draws from some of the core values of her "Middle-European" roots. Classic, comforting, seasonal, with nowhere to hide... The quality and ethics of the produce Anna sources are very much front and centre.

The journey to Café Deco is one of pedigree. After exploring the idea of cooking as a profession, following university, Anna worked for the already legendary, Jeremy Lee at the Blue print Café, above the old design museum in Shad Thames. These formative years forged their still thriving friendship and Anna credits him with being "an amazing teacher that also introduces you into what you should be reading. It was a really lovely, friendly, convivial working atmosphere".

Moving then to River Café, Tobias recognised their commitment and reverence of the produce they cook with, as well as their commitment to train young chefs to a very high standard.

Following this was yet another cult classic, Rochelle canteen with Margot Henderson. "There is no two ways about it, these establishments all have something in common, they focus on flavour and produce, simply".

Next up was a residency at the noted, P.Franco, part of Noble Fine Liquor that also owns Peg and Bright; stand alone greats in their own rights, with P.Franco the incubator for several culinary talents. For six months, Anna used this time to cut her teeth on her menu writing and explore her own style.

Cafe Deco was born at the beginning of the Covid-19 Outbreak and clearly fought to make it through, doing all they had to, to survive. Their takeaway offering did bring them some notoriety however, and for good reason!

Be that as it may, it's the food they cook now that Anna wants to be known for. Effortlessly classy, hiding behind nothing, almost verging on audacious in her simplicity. The best ingredients, lovingly prepared.

When asked what her best advice would be for an aspiring cook, it was; "to find kitchens with a healthy and happy working atmosphere. The provenance and quality of your produce is important, your customers do notice the difference. And find out what's important to you, and do that..."

Good advice. And says volumes about the person offering it, we think...

And the big question, why Shrub? “For me it's important to work with producers that are local. You’ve made sort of a cooperative, taking the logistics off the farmers hands in a way they wouldn’t have been able to do themselves, and deliver into London restaurants. The quality, flavour and consistency has all been very high compared to other suppliers…”

Anna, it’s a pleasure working with you…

Instagram: @tobiasanna @cafe_deco_bloomsbury

